
Bus Attendance

Know who gets on the bus and who gets off


Increase student safety with the ScholarChip Transportation Module, which treats school buses, campus shuttles, and municipal transportation as an extension of your campus. Students tap in and out; administrators keep track of daily bus riding as well as field trip attendance quickly, easily, and cost effectively.

Our Transportation module may also be used with the One Card and Payment Gateway to transact transportation fares.

Learn how ScholarChip can help keep your bus riding students safer.


Review or download
our Bus Attendance Information Sheet.


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Bus Attendance Features

Automate transportation fare collection by using our Payment Gateway

Interface with bus schedule and routing software for correct entry verification

Address parental questions quickly with all attendance data at your fingertips

Provide accurate reimbursement data

Add an additional layer of safety and accountability

Accept data from all transportation routing systems

Integrate with all modern student information systems

Register cardless students

Access location with GPS data via a tablet data feed and wireless or cell network

Log bus operators on with a tap of their One Card staff ID

Cue visual and audio notices for student-specific alerts such as suspended students

Give parents peace of mind